Player’s Code of Conduct

Union Soccer Club Player’s Code of Conduct 

  • I will play soccer because I want to, not because others want me to. 
  • I will play by the rules of soccer, and in the spirit of the game. 
  • I will show respect at all times for all team personnel, match officials, teammates, opposing team personnel, opposing players, parents, spectators, and club officials. 
  • I will act in a sportsmanlike manner and not engage in violent behavior, foul language, offensive language or offensive gestures. 
  • I will be a team player. 
  • I know that winning isn’t everything – having fun, playing fair, improving my skills, making friends and doing my best are all important. 
  • I will never ridicule a participant for a poor performance or training session. 
  • I will acknowledge all good play – that of my teammates and of my opponents. 
  • I understand that coaches are there to coach and not to improve my behavior. If I am found to be behaving badly, my coach is permitted to remove me from the event. Furthermore, the responsibility of my behavior outside of the team sanctioned events is not that of team staff but is the responsibility myself, and of my family or guardian. 
  • I will never take part in a training sessions, game or team event while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. 
  • I will not take part in any form of bullying, either to an opposing player or to a player on my team. Bullying in any form, whether in person, electronically (any form of social media) will not be tolerated. 


  • I recognize that the Team Coach will handle infractions that occur at times other than during the game. 
  • I recognize that infractions that occur during the game are governed by the Laws of the Game and will be decided by the Match Official. The result may be a caution (yellow card) or dismissal (red card), in which case there may be further action, including suspensions or fines, by the league. 
  • I recognize that certain serious infractions will result in a discipline hearing convened by Oklahoma Soccer Association or Green Country or their delegate, and could lead to a suspension from soccer. 


If for any reason the Code of Conduct is not followed by the player, any (one or more) of the following steps may be taken by the Team Coach or the Club: 

  • Communication with the club regarding behaviors against Code of Conduct violation 
  • Disruption in playing time of the player; and/or 
  • Suspend the player for some time period 
  • Remove the player from the team. 

I have read the above information carefully. We feel we can gladly commit to the above and look forward to the upcoming season.