Kick It 3v3: June 21st
Tournament Information:
Registration is open to all teams ages 5-Adult.
This is a SATURDAY tournament with games played from 9am to 6pm.
All games will be played at Union Soccer Club.
Team Registration Documents:
Early Bird Registration Through May 19th: $279
Standard Registration Through June 2nd: $299
Late Registration Through Tuesday, June 17th: $319
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, June 17th, 11:59pm
Format: Pool Play and Playoffs in Most Divisions, Round Robin in some divisions.
- Two 12 minute halves games
- Teams play 3-4 games
- One ref per field
- No goalies
- Create your own fun team name
Team Check In: Teams will check in on site 30 minutes before their first game.
- Only one representative of the team needs to attend check in.
Team Level/Classification Guidelines:
- Register your team in the birth year of the oldest player on the team, no exceptions.
- Girls may play on Boys teams. Boys may NOT play on Girls teams.
- Girls Teams may enter Boys divisions. Boys teams may NOT enter Girls divisions.
Each Team Receives:
- Awards for each player on the top 3 teams in each division
- Chance to win great prizes at on-site contest
- Opportunity to sample fantastic sponsor items
For more info click here.
3v3 Live: TBD
3v3 Live is open to ages 5 through adults
- Tournament (3v3, 1-Day Play™)
- All teams
- Boys & Girls: 19U-6U
- Adult: Men & Women
- Ability: Competitive/Developmental
- $250.00 entry fee
- 4 game guarantee
Start Time: 9am
Registration Deadline: Registration deadline is at Midnight on Sunday the week of the event. Teams registering after the deadline will be charged a $25 late fee.
Check In: Check in THIRTY MINUTES before your first game at the fields. Please bring your signed waiver form and any roster changes. Rosters will be frozen after your team has checked in and cannot be changed after that time. Teams must provide proof of age at any time during the tournament if requested by the Tournament Director. 3v3 Live will accept player cards, copies of birth certificates or driver’s licenses as proof of age.
Schedules: Schedules will be posted to this location Thursday before the tournament. Special scheduling requests must be made by the registration deadline to be considered. Due to how we schedule our games at our events, scheduling requests must be limited to two! 3v3 Live will make every effort to honor scheduling requests but cannot guarantee that all requests can be met.
Tournament Facts:
- All players will receive an official 3v3 Live Soccer tournament t-shirt (t-shirts not guaranteed for teams that register after the deadline)
- The top 3 teams in each division will receive custom medals for each player
- The top 3 teams in each division will qualify for the Regional Championship of their choice
For more info click here.